UpStudio Africa

Innovation Challenges

UpStudio Africa launched free Innovation Challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic for children of all ages. Young Explorers shared photos and videos of their innovations. UpStudio Africa received submissions from Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar, Morogoro, and Arusha in Tanzania, Dubai and the United States! Here are our top submissions, you can find all our submissions on and their submissions on our Facebook and Instagram pages using the hashtag #UpStudioInnovationHour!

Innovation Challenge Winners

UpStudio Africa awarded digital Innovator of the Month badges to Young Explorers who submitted their designs to us. We also awarded free studios to three Young Explorers:
Rayyan Kassam, Qais Kanji, and Iliyana Jiwan!


UpStudio Africa’s Innovation Challenge videos are hosted by our in-house Young Innovator, Ayaan Hirji. If you are interested in hosting Innovation Challenge videos, please feel free to contact us at

Try it yourself!

Click on the Challenge to take a look at how Ayaan Hirji – UpStudio Africa’s Junior Engineer – solved the Challenge! If you want to try this at home or at your school, please feel free to do so and give credit to UpStudio Africa. Please share your complete designs with us via